Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dog-Friendly Wine Tasting

Our first attempt at a dog-friendly wine tasting party was last weekend, and it was a big success! We started the party after-hours on Saturday, and our guests and their dogs mingled over wine and snacks. Prairie Chicks, a new catering company in Sonoita, provided fantastic munchies for both humans and dogs.

Tim led a winery tour and then he and all our guests headed out the vineyard to talk about grape growing and let the dogs run around off their leashes. I don't know if the tour lasted so long because people had many questions about the grapes, or because the dogs were having so much fun.

There are even more photos of the event on our website. And we'll be sure to repeat this with another dog-friendly event in the fall, so keep your eyes peeled or join our email list to be the first to find out.

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